
Saturday 31 March 2012


Hello, friends! Well, it's been a l-o-n-g month, hasn't it?! We've got just one week more for you--but we're keeping it easy--it's ANYTHING GOES!!!

Here's a little inspiration from the two of us!

As Mynnette says - it's Anything Goes so for one week only I've moved away from cards and made a couple of 3D objects instead. Still Christmassy though and if you pop over to my blog I will tell you how I made them - back to cards next week!

Please link up your projects below, and follow the following rules:

*Please link back to our blog in your post so that others can join in the fun.
*We would love it if you added our button to the side of your blog
*Please make sure to link to your POST, not your blog.
*Please make sure NOT to back link.
*In order to be considered for Top Honor or Honorable Mention, you must link up by Friday at 6:00pm GMT.
*You are free to enter this challenge and 10 others only.
*We'd really appreciate it if you'd turn off word verification so that we can comment more easily!


  1. Lovely cards ladies, do like the inspiration, Ive added my card today

  2. Love your challenge theme! Great sample cards ladies!

  3. Fabulous challenge again girls! thanks for the mention last challenge appreciate that! hugs me xx

  4. I love Christmas and anything goes is even better, thanks!
