
Saturday 3 January 2015

Happy 2015!! First challenge of the year

Good morning and welcome back to 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown and our first challenge of the New Year. We do hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year and are ready to make a start on your stash of 2015 Christmas cards.  You might notice that we've got a new look blog and we also have some new members on the team - do make them welcome.  Now, it's time to have a look at our first challenge - it's a sketch - you can turn it and you don't have to use a star.

Here's some inspiration from the team:

Merry Christmas - photo by Deborah Frings - Deborah's Gems

Please make sure you follow these rules when you play along with 52CCT.
  • Please link back to our blog in your post so that others can join in the fun.
  • No back links - only new projects.
  • Please link directly to your POST, not your blog.
  • We'd love to see our button on your blogs.
  • In order to be considered for Top Honour or Honourable Mention you must link up by midnight (GMT) on Friday.
  • You can play in this challenge and 10 others - maximum 11.
  • It would be much appreciated if you could turn off word verification to make commenting easier for the team - many thanks.


  1. A Happy New Year to you and love the blogs new look Jacqueline.
    Margaret M

  2. Happy new year!
    Thanks for the great sketch and the wonderful inspirations.

    Kind regards,

  3. What a cute new design of the blog! Happy New Year and congratulations to ladies who joined the DT!
