Wednesday 8 October 2014

September Stash Winners

Hello fellow Christmas crafters! It's time to announce the winners of our September Stash Challenge: Diamonds and Pearls. I have to say, the entries were, sparkly, extravagant, elegant, truly magical and undeniably festive. Well done, ladies!

With so many marvellous makes, unfortunately, selecting winners and runners-up led to a bout of mud-wrestling between Design Team members. But in the end the spirit of Christmas prevailed. We shook hands, hugged and decided on the following:


HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in numerical order)

Congratulations to the winners. Don't forget to grab your badges and display them proudly on your blogs!

Our October Sketch Challenge is still open. You have until Friday 6pm UK / 1pm Eastern to link up your projects.


  1. Thank you ladies you are too kind I can see why it was so hard to decide.
    Hugs to you all.
    Margaret M

  2. Thank you all from me too, you've made my day. C x

  3. What an honor to be an Honorable Mention! I'm delighted you enjoyed my project. :o) Congratulations to everyone.. your creations are stunning! :o)

    Hugs and blessings,
